Shipping Policy

If a visitor/user has any questions about the privacy policy, he/she/it should contact

You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy by accessing, browsing, registering, logging in, and making purchases (collectively "use"). You must not use, access, browse, register, log in, or make a purchase from the website if you do not agree.

This Privacy Policy is part of and subject to the Terms of Service/User Agreement.

When it comes to privacy and protecting privacy, we follow a few basic principles.

Personal Information

  • We never ask for personal information unless we need it.
  • We do not share your personal information with anyone except as specified in this privacy statement.
  • Personal information is not stored on our servers unless it is required for the ongoing operation of our services.
  • When you use our Services, we collect non-personal information to provide you with a personalised and relevant experience.
  • Your account is password-protected, and you have the option of assigning it to a third party so that only you and those you designate can access it and view account information. Finally, you are responsible for keeping your passwords and account information secure. Use extreme caution.

Personal Information Collection

  • We collect and store your personal information whenever you use the website. 
  • Such collected personal information shall include (but not be limited to) all information provided by you to the website from time to time, information related to your browsing behaviour on our website, the URL from which you have either been redirected or visited our website, information about your computer browser and your IP address. The sole purpose of collecting this information is to provide you with an efficient, smooth, safe, and customised experience and to better serve you.
  • When you browse, register, log in, or make purchases, we collect your personal information (email address, name, phone number, postal address, credit card/debit card / other payment instrument details, etc.). While you can look through some sections.
  • When you purchase on the website, we collect information such as your purchasing habits. 
  • We also collect some additional information when you transact with us, such as your billing address, credit card/debit card number, and other transaction-related information. 
  • By agreeing, you understand and agree that the same is required for finalising and recording the transaction and providing you with better service in the future.
  • When you post messages on our message board, chat room, or other message area and leave feedback, we will collect the information you provide to us and retain it as needed for customer support.



At our skincare brand, we use cookies to improve your user experience and to understand how our website is being used. By continuing to browse our website, you consent to our use of cookies.

  • What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are used to track your browsing activity and to remember your preferences, such as language and font size.
  • How do we use cookies? We use cookies to understand how our website is being used and to improve the user experience. For example, we may use cookies to personalise content and ads, provide social media features, and analyse traffic.
  • Can I opt-out of cookies? Yes, you can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings. However, please note that some features of our website may not function properly without cookies.

Sharing Information

  • We never give out your contact information to a third party. We do, however, use this information to contact you via email or phone for service calls, important product updates, and advice on how to improve your returns.
  • We may share your personal information internally or with our agent, service provider, or affiliates to detect and prevent identity theft, fraud, and other illegal acts.
  • We may disclose your personal information in good faith if required by a judicial authority, statutory authority, law enforcement agency, or the law.

Volunteered Data

  • We collect and receive personal information about you, including information about your previous use of our products and services. 
  • Personal information is information about you that is not publicly available, such as your name, address, phone number, or email address. 
  • We do not sell, rent, or share such information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies unless it is necessary to provide information, products, or services that we provide or for information that you have requested.
  • We do, however, use your information to contact you for service calls, important product updates, and advice on how to improve your returns.